Friday Night Bug Juice


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Welcome to Friday Night Bug Juice, a Metro Detroit bar review site. We're here to give you a look into the dive bars of the Detroit area, so you can hopefully spend your cash wisely, and get a little insight into the lives of a couple of hapless irish louts.


Welcome to the section of our site where you can learn everything you ever wanted to know and way too much more about the gang that works hard ruining their livers to bring you all you need to know about the dive bars of the Metro Detroit area!


   This one comes from the Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction department here at Friday Night Bug Juice Inc.  
   The setting is Stout Junior High School in Dearborn, Michigan.  The time is 1972-1975.   The steel door leading from the boy’s shower room to the pool opens and into the pool area parades a group of sixty young teen boys totally nude.  Dicks and balls of all shapes and sizes bounce into place around the heavily chlorinated pool.  Watching the parade of pubes is gym teacher Rick Haas.
   Is this the start of something perverted?  Some adult endorsed ritual of humiliation , degradation and eroticism?
   Yes...and no.
   This is the gym class I grew up with in the mid-seventies at my junior high in middle class Michigan.  For some reason, never made clear to me and never questioned by my parents, we were required to perform the swimming portion of our gym class nude.  As mentioned in previous blogs, I don’t do nude very well.  I am hung (lower case letters) like a fat, mayonnaise skinned Irishman.  When you combine my natural limitations with  cold air, cold water and fear, you have a walking, barely bouncing afterthought.
   We were all given specific areas to stand around the pool, because as everyone knows, any physical activity should get started with calisthenics.  
   “All right men, “ barks big Rick Haas, “let’s get started with twenty jumping jacks.”
   “Now hit your backs, it’s time for leg lifts, four counts.  Count one, lift legs off the ground pushed together, count two spread legs wide, count three legs still off the ground but back together, count four back to the ground.  Let’s do twenty.”
   “Very good.  Now get in the push up position.  I want good push ups, chest all the way to the pool deck.  No cheating, no girlie push ups.  Ten good ones on my go.”
   Are you fucking kidding me.  Use your imagination.  Sixty dicks flopping around during jumping jacks, sixty assholes spread open for leg lifts, sixty units brushing the germ ridden pool deck for push ups.
   I only wish that this was the end of the weirdness and perversion.
   Once calisthenics were completed it was time for fun and games.   
   One popular game was Bean-O.  In this game, all sixty kids were required to jam into the shallow end of the pool.  Six volleyballs were introduced into this cramped area.  The goal of the game is to hit someone, anyone as hard as you could with the ball.  No teams, no scoring, only pain.
A few points of interest surrounding this “game”:
If somebody was about to hit you and you thought going under water could save your ass, the guy just followed you around until you had to surface for air and then nailed you.  
Once, a ball skimmed out onto the pool deck and some poor bastard left the water to get it.  He quickly became the object of many throws and painfully discovered that leaving the waist deep water left his junk as an inviting target.  Nobody ever went on the deck to grab an errant ball after that.   
One time a ball came to me and I turned to hit the guy standing next to me, who happened to be preoccupied with an enemy in the opposite direction.  Just before I rallied the ball off his unsuspecting dome, I noticed it was Paul, a good friend of mine.  I held off hitting him and fired it at some other sap.  The whistle blew and I was beckoned from the pool.  “Morrison,” Haas barked, “why didn’t you hit him.”  No answer.  “It’s time for an El Supremo.”  I cringed.  An El Supremo was the administration of a whack to your bare, wet ass using the top wood bar of a track hurdle.  There were two, two inch round holes drilled about six inches from each other on this wood bar.  A well placed whack from Haas left you with a white circle on each otherwise crimson ass cheek, what our gym teacher hilariously referred to as “headlights”.  
   The other game we played was known as water polo, though I can assure you that it bore no resemblance to the water polo you see played during the Olympics.  
   In this game, the sixty nude boys were split up into two teams, with one team lined up at the deep end of the pool and the other lined up at the shallow end.  One  volleyball was thrown into the middle of the pool.  The goal was to put the ball in the trough at the other guy’s end of the pool.
   That’s it.  No more rules.
   Anything and everything was allowed and encouraged.  If someone had the ball and you could force them under water until lack of air made them capitulate, do it.  If you wanted to punch someone on the side of the head to encourage them to give up the ball, do it.  If you wanted to gang up four or five deep on a guys back until he broke down, do it.
   My brother Tony has informed me that his tour of duty at Stout, some six years later featured much of the same nude weirdness.  Ripping the title from the headlines of the day, a game popular during his tenure was called “Vietnam”.  In this contest, teams of three were instructed to swim or tread water as quietly as possible from one end of the pool to the other, like  soldiers trying to get through water undetected by the enemy.  The three man team that made the most noise received some type of corporal punishment, simulating the punishment a noisy soldier might expect in the actual Vietnam War ( I suspect the losing soldier got worse than a whack, but even Haas had his limits).  I guess if you lost a relative or loved one in Vietnam and were troubled by it, too fucking bad.
   Aside from these three fun games, kids would randomly get selected to jump off the diving board with their hands held tight to their sides.  Haas would then throw a volleyball at your defenseless body.   If you kept your hands at your sides and accepted the inevitable welt of ball on wet skin, game over.  If you cringed, turned away or otherwise defended yourself, you got a whack.  I knocked a ball away one time and was rewarded with a whack administered by Haas using a plastic whiffle ball bat.  Better than an El Supremo.
   This stuff really happened.
   Fuck you Rick Haas!  
Cheers! Jim 


Outta My Mind on a Snowy Morning:
I have had peanut butter toast for breakfast every day for the past four years.  Literally.
I don’t understand why hockey is not more popular with the masses.  It is fast; you can beat the snot out of an opponent, sit for five minutes and be forgiven; sticks are carried and used alternately for scoring and whacking; the games last a tidy two and one half hours and are not ruined by repeated time outs; ties are dramatically ended; the players are largely classy and approachable.  Why don’t more people love this game?
These are the titles of some Frank Zappa songs:  Sofa No.1, Evelyn-A Modified Dog, What’s The Ugliest Part of Your Body, Who Needs The Peace Corps, Weasels Ripped My Flesh, Didja Get Any Onya,  Adventures of Greggary Peccarry, Why Does it Hurt When I Pee, Watermelon in Easter Hay, He Used to Cut The Grass, The Illinois Enema Bandit, Titties and Beer, Penguin in Bondage, Don’t You Ever Wash That Thing, Theme From Burnt Weeny Sandwich.
The best cowbell song of all time is Whisky Train by Procol Harum.
Watching parades and fireworks in person is iffy; watching them on television is horseshit.
I have never sent a text.  I’m proud of that.
My job occasionally takes me to some pretty rough neighborhoods in Detroit.  I always drive away thinking how difficult it is to not be able to drive away.  What if you lived there?  Had to walk home from school amongst trash, crime, loose dogs and indifference?  What message would you get?  
One of my favorite moments in any week is lunch on Saturday.  I am not eating at my desk or on the move.  No Lean Cuisine meatloaf or pizza.  Saturday means a carefully prepared sandwich, diet soda and a fresh Sports Illustrated.  
Why do so many people, especially Republicans fear marijuana?  Do they think that, if people want pot, keeping it illegal will stop them from scoring?  Do they think it is worse for the user than what’s legally bought at party stores on every street corner in the country?  I have seen many drunk and stoned people.  The drunks are way more dangerous and difficult to be around.  Oh yeah, the latest survey on legalizing pot in Michigan shows 57% of Democrats in favor, and only 29% of Republicans.  Like I needed another reason to heap scorn upon the Republican party.
My son was watching a reality show that featured Alaskan State Troopers and it grabbed my interest, though probably not in the manner it was intended.  I was troubled by the way these cops used the smallest reason to pull people over for what they termed “a fishing expedition”.   Rear Bumper hanging a few inches low equals cop looking under your seat for a reason to take you in.  I saw one wilderness trooper confront two guys fishing.  The fishermen had all of their licenses in order, were doing nothing but fishing in a remote wilderness area, but the cop asked to look through their coolers anyway.  He had them open up a small box in the cooler and found some pot, allowing him to write them a ticket.  In case you’re thinking they deserved this trouble, remember that the end does not justify the means.  Not in my world.  Maybe concentrate more on people who actually cause harm and less on two guys smoking a fatty while fishing.  What a waste of taxpayer money.
The next time you are awake Monday through Friday at 6:20 am, think of me.  I’ll be taking a shit.  Being insanely regular is one of the joys in my life.
I am not sure why so many revere Muhammad Ali.  Do a tiny bit of research.  You’ll discover a man who openly cheated on his wife, spoke out against white people and integration, believed that women were second class citizens, used race to his athletic advantage and turned talking shit into an art form.  
I am done with Betty White.
Just so you don’t think I loathe Republicans only, I present Wayne County Executive and Democrat Bob Ficano, the embodiment of all things scuzzy.  His hit list of sleeze includes:  Huge war chest of funds raised largely through strong arming and political kickbacks, more appointees than the Governor, crazy severance packages for the appointees, paying more than half of his appointees over $100,000 annually.  But what grinds me the most is his belief that you and I are either so stupid or so lazy as to not call him out for the $200,000 severance package he was willing to give Turkia Mullin.  He claims he gave her that generous severance package based on what her predecessor received and pulled it when he found out that wasn’t the case.  It had nothing to do with the shitstorm resulting from the severance pay becoming public knowledge.  That’s not even a good lie.   The entire system is broke and needs a giant enema.
By the way, the above nugget is a prime indicator of the importance of newspapers and journalism.  
Bands I have seen advertised as playing in the Detroit area include:  Cold Man Young, Kommie Kilpatrick, Betty Cooper, and my personal favorite Douche and The Bags.
Jack and I were driving down the road and the Ford 250 in front of us featured the following:  Fake bull balls hanging down from the bumper hitch, a sticker on one side of  the window claiming “Horny Hunter” and a sticker on the opposite side with the phrase “Hick Life”.   The Stars and Bars decal must be on order.
When I walk in the door from work, I am like a kid after school.  Ravenous.  Eating all the wrong things.  If only the Three Stooges or Little Rascals were on.
The perfect halftime act for The Super Bowl is Chris Rock.  He can tone it down and still be hilarious.  Beats lip synched choreographed old crap every time.
Black Sabbath and Bad Company are the only two bands I can think of that have an album where the artist, name of the album and track on the album are the same (Black Sabbath by Black Sabbath on the album Black Sabbath- if you get my drift) .Can you think of any others?
I was watching Cool Hand Luke the other day and was initially outraged that Paul Newman did not win the Academy Award for his performance.  Until I looked up that year’s nominees and winner.  In 1967, Newman was nominated along with Warren Beatty for Bonnie and Clyde, Dustin Hoffman for The Graduate and Spencer Tracy for Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner with the statue going to Rod Steiger for In the Heat of the Night.  Heavy hitters, all. 
Before I forget, Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette can kiss my ass.
Cheers! Jim
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