Friday Night Bug Juice


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Welcome to Friday Night Bug Juice, a Metro Detroit bar review site. We're here to give you a look into the dive bars of the Detroit area, so you can hopefully spend your cash wisely, and get a little insight into the lives of a couple of hapless irish louts.


Welcome to the section of our site where you can learn everything you ever wanted to know and way too much more about the gang that works hard ruining their livers to bring you all you need to know about the dive bars of the Metro Detroit area!


The outlook wasn’t brilliant for the Juicers that day
The decision was Dearborn, Not Edison’s that Friday
Tony thought Dearborn first, Jimmy thought the same
Stupidity on Friday is part of the game
The Well put us in deep despair.  The rest
clearly to hope that we would see more than two sets of breasts
Neigh for it was a crowd of men, heavy in cologne at that
We called it even money now, Bug Juice screwed at bat
Optimism preceded The Well, even if it were fake
And the former was a lulu, the latter a realistic take.
So inside the cement bunker of The Well melancholy sat
So there seemed little chance of The Juicers standing pat
The boys had an idea to the wonderment of all
That The Well, the much despis-ed would not see last call
And when the cologne mist lifted, the men saw what occurred
There was Jimmy and Tony at Howell’s for their third
Then from a tattooed throat rose a drunken yell
It rumbled through Jim and Tony, it rattled the dell
And when responding to the beers, he offered the place we sat
No drunkard in the crowd could doubt Bug Juice at bat
Thirty eyes were on them as they left and hit the dirt
It was The Post Time, patrons in Affliction shirts
The shot girl came a callin’ tray at her hip
“Care to buy a shot?” came the query from her lip
And now the obvious answer came hurtling through the air
Even if we were to buy a shot, we would never be down there
So a “No” was given, off away she sped
“This ain’t my style” said Jim.  “Let’s leave” Tony said
From the street, lack with people, upon Double Olive our score
Friday taking a beating like storm waves on a stern and distant shore
“Believe me!  Believe me people!” shouted the Juicers making a stand
And it’s likely they a-missed Edison’s! with a cover band
With a frown of Christian charity, the Juicers visage shone
We stilled the rising tumult, the drinking must go on
They signaled the waitress, at once she knew
She did not ignore it, and came back with brew
“Fraud” cried the maddened two, and echo answered Fraud 
But a fateful thought of Edison’s and The Juicers were awed
The people saw our faces stern and cold, our bellies strain
Why in God’s name would we go to Dearborn again
The beer wet on Juicers lips, it is now getting late
He pounds the cell phone, Bessie picks us up from our date
And now we hold our breath, and it’s time to go
And now the air is shattered, cause Dearborn doth blow
Oh somewhere in this favored land, The Mayor is shining bright
A cover band plays somewhere and somewhere hearts are light
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere women hang out
But there is no joy in Dearborn, Mighty Bug Juice has struck out
Cheers!  Tony



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